LTM is helping schools in the Philippines. When schools call upon LTM, we do our best to help. Whether it is supplying TVs for classrooms, Raincoats for the children to wear to school on rainy days, slippers for the children feet, so they are not walking to school barefooted, or school supplies for the school kids, or medical help for those who can not afford treatment like TonTon. LTM is ready to help.

Below are some pictures of what we have done in the past. You can help these children and schools in the future, by helping us help the school kids of the Philippines.

Now is your chance to help LTM feed the hungry. Click>> here<< to help spread the Blessings. God will bless you for it.

You can help LTM share the Blessings

When you help share the Blessings in the Philippines you are providing food for families, school supplies for childern, slippers (foot wear) for children, and medical treatments for the sick, and the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and hurting.

Living Truth Ministries is dedicated to reaching out to the hurting with the gospel, and meeting the basic needs of others.