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- Create Date June 6, 2020
- Last Updated July 23, 2020
You wake up in the morning, take a deep breath, and thank God for a beautiful day. You go to your prayer closet, and you spend some time in prayer. You leave your place of prayer, and you open your bible and begin your reading and studying God's Word. You sit there and meditate on His Word as you quietly listen for God's voice. You leave that place, and as you go, you have placed a song of praises and worship into your heart.
God has given you many things of this life for your enjoyment because you have placed God first and center of your life. He gave you a good job, and you are making good money even though the economy is terrible. You have a wonderful wife or husband, a good marriage, and beautiful children, and you all worship and praise God.
You never rob God because you pay your tithes and your offerings unto God without fail, and you help the needy, the widows, and the children. Because of this, God has blessed you abundantly, and you have not a need or want for anything. You have no Idols in your life that you bow and pray too. You have kept the commandments of God, and you are at peace with your heavenly Father.
Then it happens...